Hello people! I’m Anjani, an IT student from India. I’ve been contributing to KDE since last year. Thanks to the KDE community to have an engaging program like SoK. I got to know about this last year but couldn’t participate. Now I’m here.

I’ll be working under the mentorship of Han Young on implementing a D-Bus daemon that will fetch/provide weather data using KWeatherCore to KWeather as well as other applications on Plasma mobile who would like to have weather data for some purpose.

Weather service is a core component of modern mobile platforms. Needless to say that I’m very excited but also grateful to work on such a key-component and make the Plasma Mobile platform more awesome.

Nikunj Goyal is also going to work on the weather alert system. I look forward to collaborating with him and having a good time.

I will be posting the progress of the project here as we go along. Thanks for reading! :)